الموضوع: Vaccine

النتائج 1 إلى 8 من 8
  1. افتراضي Vaccine

    Assalamualeikum warahmatullah peace be upon ansaar and the imam and his family , i have a question what will happen when people make vaccine is it dangerous and what is the call of imam sheikh nasser mohammad about this matter when the anasar make the vaccine because of corona and what is when the goverment if they force us to make vaccine against corona ?? I hope you understand my question

  2. افتراضي

    Walicom Alsalam Dear brother

    Sorry, I couldn't understand exactly what is your question? did you mean making the Vaccine of Coronavirus? or taking the Vaccine of Coronavirus? anyway

    If is it about making the Vaccine of Coronavirus
    No one can make it, according to Imam's Statement, the only cure for Coronavirus is praying to Allah and asking Allah what our Imam informed us, link is below


    If is it about taking the Vaccine of Coronavirus
    How can we take a Vaccine that never work and maybe it will damages human organs?! So in case that Governments obligate their people to take it, I think Imam will inform about what should people do

    I wish you found the answer that you are looking for

    God bless you and all Imam supporters

  3. افتراضي

    Yes you understandmy question it the last asnwer of yours
    Barakaallah feek i hope a statement from ouer imam what we have to do when goverment will force as to take vaccine

  4. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : Abdullah Almani
    Yes you understandmy question it the last asnwer of yours
    Barakaallah feek i hope a statement from ouer imam what we have to do when goverment will force as to take vaccine
    انتهى الاقتباس من Abdullah Almani
    Barakaallah feek, don't worry, Inshallah Imam will inform about that in its time, Is there any serious news about a Government that obligated their people to take Coronavirus Vaccine? do you have any idea

  5. افتراضي

    I heard the people they are living with me in germany tell me that goverment will force vaccinate after a while and Allahu alam rumors, but they could really make it that everyone has to vaccinate or you can't go shopping or work and so on

  6. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : Abdullah Almani
    I heard the people they are living with me in germany tell me that goverment will force vaccinate after a while and Allahu alam rumors, but they could really make it that everyone has to vaccinate or you can't go shopping or work and so on
    انتهى الاقتباس من Abdullah Almani
    Of course brother, they have the power to force people to take Vaccine, but Allah who is the strongest and who has the whole power will never let believers people without his care and his instructions
    Wish for you all the best

  7. افتراضي

    And for you , Allah bless you brother and gives you aجar

  8. افتراضي

    Imam made it clear that the vaccines will fail miserably. there is no immunity to covid be it natural in the form of immune response or from a vaccince. there is no wrongdoing to take a vaccine if you are forced to.

المواضيع المتشابهه
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