The most honored of the people are the Muslims, the most honored of the Muslims are the believers, and the most honored of the believers are the dutiful ones..
10 - 04 - 1431 AH
26 - 03 - 2010 AD
02:23 am
..The most honored of the people are the Muslims, the most honored of the Muslims are the believers, and the most honored of the believers are the dutiful ones
..In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
Oh Om Al-Bushra, Allah’s peace be upon you and upon all the best foremost supporters in era of dialogue before the appearing whom they believed the True explanatory-statement for the Reminder then they strengthened me, those whom Allah made them share my task; but the place of the most certain ones among them between the hands of their Lord is great.
O community of supporters, by Allah were it that I fear for you the sedition of the humans to be hard on you I would have told you about the place of the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi among the nations on the day when people rise to Lord of the worlds, and that is because the most noble of the worships and the highest levels is their worship for their Lord, and the most honored of the people are the Muslims, and the most honored of the Muslims are the believers, and the most honored of the believers are the dutiful ones, and the most honored of the dutiful ones are the righteous ones, and the most honored of the righteous ones are the ones who are brought near, and the most honored of the ones who are brought near are the devoted ones to the Lord, and the most honored of the devoted ones to the Lord are a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him; beloved ones of Lord of the worlds they forbade to themselves the heavenly-garden of their Lord then they get to be gathered to the All Merciful an honored delegates, and He (Allah) said to them: Your Lord promised you in His decisive Book to to His righteous servants to please them so why you refused the bliss of the heavenly-garden of your Lord? And their Imam, said: In fact we want the Greatest Bliss that is greater than it and Your promise the ever true and You are the Most Merciful then all who have mercy. Then their Lord says to them: You said the Truth and for that I created you.
Those envy them all prophets and martyrs but most of you do not know because the exaggeration in the prophets and leaving Al-Wasila to them without the righteous, and for that most of them do not believe in Allah without associating others (with Him), in spite that Mohammad messenger of Allah -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- has gave them fatwa with Truth if only they use sense to understand, and he said -prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him: [Indeed, there are servants for Allah they are not prophets nor martyrs envy them the prophets and the martyrs on the day of resurrection for their closeness and their council of Allah]. said the Truth -prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him.
[ إن لله عباداً ليسوا بأنبياء ولا شهداء يغبطهم النّبيون والشهداء يوم القيامة بقربّهم ومجلسهم من ربهم ]
.And I am on proving their levels with their Lord from the decisive Quran surely capable and on bridling with the Truth is indeed befitting
O community of the certain ones of the supporters, Love Allah greater than all things, and compete in His love and His nearness and the Bliss of HimSelf's goodly-pleasure, and don’t you dare make the prophets and the Awaited Mahdi a boarder-line between you and your Lord then Allah would make your deeds void (fruitless)
Allah purified your hearts from association an utmost cleansing — O whom your hearts met in Allah’s love and you know each other to the fact you are in various regions among the worlds, and soon Allah will join you with the Imam Mahdi so He would bring you from the various regions among the worlds — who you responded to the call to achieve the Greatest Bliss the Bliss of Allah’s goodly-pleasure over His servants and it is bigger than His heavenly-garden and for that He created you, so be steadfast.. By Allah Who there is no God other than Him, none of the occupants of the heavens and the earth can seduce who knew about the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest because he knew the most certain knowledge that the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest is an attribute of the Self’s goodly-pleasure of their Lord over His servants, and they knew that it is truly the Greatest Bliss, that is greater than His heavenly-garden, no doubt nor suspicion, that’s because they recognized that while they are still in the world’s life, and they valued their Lord the True value of His.
I swear by Allah the Great Lord of the heavens and the earth and all in between them Lord of the mighty throne, if it would be said to one of them: O so and so forgo to me a weight of an atom of Allah’s love and His nearness and the bliss of the goodly-pleasure of HimSelf and you will have in return of that the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and the kingdom of the world’s life and the hereafter, and kingdom of the heavenly-garden which its width is the heavens and the earth! He would have refused it altogether and favored the atom in Allah’s love and His nearness to achieve the Bliss of HimSelf’s goodly pleasure over His servants, those have valued Allah the True value of His.
And you shall know the announcement about them on judgement day; the day when people rise to Lord of the worlds, and I do not know them except a few, and among them for whom the good news has already gone forth from their Lord, and we are indeed truthful.
..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
بِسم الله الرَّحمن الرَّحيم، وسلامٌ على المُرسَلين، والحمدُ لله ربِّ العالمين..
ويا أُم البُشرى، سلامُ الله عليكم وعلى كافة الأنصار السَّابقين الأخيار في عصر الحوار من قبل الظهور الذين صدَّقوا البيان الحقّ للذكر فَشَدّوا أزري وأولئك أشركهم الله في أمري؛ ولكن مقام المُوقنين منهم بين يدي ربّهم عظيم.
ويا معشَر الأنصار، والله لولا أنَّني أخشى عليكم الفتنة بأن تكبر عليكم البشرى لأخبرتكم عن مقام أنصار المهديّ المنتظَر بين الأُمَم يوم يقوم النَّاس لِرَبِّ العالَمين، وذلك لأنّ أسمَى العبادات وأرفعها درجاتٍ هي عبادتهم لربّهم، وأكرم النَّاس المُسلِمون، وأكرم المُسلِمين المُؤمنون، وأكرَم المُؤمنين المُتَّقون، وأكرم المُتَّقين الصالِحون، وأكرَم الصالحين المُقَرَّبون، وأكرم المُقَرَّبين الرَّبَّانيّون، وأكرم الربَّانيين قومٌ يُحِبّهم الله ويحبّونه أحباب رَبّ العالَمين؛ حَرَّموا على أنفسهم جنّة ربّهم ومن ثم تمَّ حشرهم إلى الرَّحمن وفدًا مُكرمين، وقال لهم: "لقد وعد ربّكم في محكم كتابه عباده الصالحين أن يُرضيهم، فلِمَ أبيتُم نعيم جنّة ربّكم؟" وقال إمامهم: بل نُريد النّعيمُ الأعظم منها ووعدك الحقّ وأنت أرحم الراحمين. ثم يقول لهم ربّهم: "صدقتم ولذلك خلقتُكُم".
أولئك يغبطهم الأنبياء والشهداء ولكنّ أكثركم لا يعلمون بسبب المُبالغة في الأنبياء وترك الوسيلة لهم من دون الصالحين، ولذلك لا يؤمن أكثرهم بالله إلَّا وهُم مشركون برغم أنَّ محمدًا رسول الله - صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم - قد أفتاهم بالحقّ لو كانوا يَعقِلون، وقال عليه الصَّلاة والسَّلام: [إن لله عبادًا ليسوا بأنبياء ولا شهداء يغبطهم النَّبيون والشهداء يوم القيامة بقربهم ومجلسهم من ربهم] صدق عليه الصَّلاة والسَّلام، وإنّي على إثبات درجاتهم عند ربّهم من مُحكَم القرآن لقدير وعلى الإلجام بالحقّ لجدير.
ويا معشر المُوقنين مِن الأنصار، أحِبُّوا الله أعظم من كُلِّ شَيء، وتنافسوا في حبّه وقربه ونعيم رضوان نفسه، وإيَّاكم أن تجعلوا الأنبياء والمهديّ المنتظر حَدٌ بينكم وبين رَبِّكم فيحبِط الله عملكم.
وطَهَّر الله قلوبَكم مِن الشِّرك تطهيرًا يا مَن اجتمعت قلوبكم في حُبِّ الله وأنتم لم تعرفوا بعضكم كونكم مِن مناطق شتى في العالَمين، وقريبًا يجمعكم الله بالإمام المهديّ فيأتي بِكُم مِن مناطق شتّى في العالَمين يا مَن استجبتم للدعوة إلى تحقيق النَّعيم الأعظم؛ نعيم رضوان الله على عباده وهو الأكبر من جنّته ولذلك خلقكم، فاثبتوا. فوالله الذي لا إله غيره لا يستطيع فتنةَ مَن عَلِم بحقيقة اسم الله الأعظم كافةُ أهل السماء وأهل الأرض وذلك لأنّه عَلِمَ عِلْمَ اليقين أنّ حقيقة اسم الله الأعظم هي صفة رضوان نفس ربّهم على عباده، وعلموا أنّه حقًّا هو النّعيم الأعظم من جنّته لا شكّ ولا ريب، وذلك لانّهم أدركوا ذلك وهم لا يزالون في الدنيا، أولئك قدَروا ربّهم حقّ قدْره.
وأُقسِم بالله العظيم رَبّ السماوات والأرض وما بينهما وربّ العرش العظيم لو يُقال لأحدهم: "يا فلان تنازل لي عن مِثقال ذَرَّةٍ من حبِّ الله وقربه ونعيم رضوان نفسه ولك مقابل ذلك ملكوت السَّماوات والأرض وملكوت الدّنيا والآخرة وملكوت الجنّة التي عرضها السماوات والأرض." لرفضها جميعًا وفَضَّل الذَّرَّة في حبّ الله وقربه لتحقيق نعيم رضوان نفسه على عباده. أولئك قدَروا الله حقّ قدْرهِ.
ولسوف تعلمون نبأهم يَوم الدِّين؛ يوم يقوم النّاس لِرَبِ العالَمين ولا أعلمهم إلَّا قليل، ومنهم من سبقت لهم البُشرى من ربّهم وإنّا لصادقون.
وسلامٌ على المُرسَلين، والحمدُ لله ربِّ العالمين..
أخوكم الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ.